Mission Conversations

Two people talking by a lake

Parish Vision/PCC Away Days/Growth Action Plan Review

Would a PCC/Ministry Team Away Day or just a morning together be helpful as you think about the next stage of church life together?  Could the Diocesan Mission Team help you plan and lead/facilitate such an event with your group? Events can be customised to suit your needs and context and we can help lead the day or provide resources and advice so you can run it yourself.

See below for feedback from recent events we have facilitated.

"Really helpful for clergy and the parish. Got people thinking and helped to start a process which is ongoing."

(Rev John Noddings, All Saints Peterborough) 


"Dave drew out with gentleness and positive affirmation the good that we were already doing and showed us the challenges to come.  We now have a refreshed sense of direction.  A crack has been widened to allow the Lord’s love and grace in."

(Rev Jenny Bland, All Saints Earls Barton)  


"Brought us into a deeper understanding of who we are and where we want to go. It was good for me to be there, but not to lead it."

(Rev Gillian Gamble, Geddington and Weekly) 



Whatever your parish circumstances - whether there’s no existing mission and you don’t even know where to start, or you’re thinking church planting, or just need a sounding board – we’d love to have a chat and see how we can help. 

Director of Mission

Charlie Nobbs


07532 013599

Urban Support Officer

Roger Woods


07817 636714

Parish Growth Officer

Dave Battison


07772 393325



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